


DQN was proposed in Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning. Traditional Q-learning maintains an M*N Q value table (where M represents the number of states and N represents the number of actions), and iteratively updates the Q-value through the Bellman equation. This kind of algorithm will have the problem of dimensionality disaster when the state/action space becomes extremely large.

DQN is different from traditional reinforcement learning methods. It combines Q-learning with deep neural networks, uses deep neural networks to estimate the Q value, calculates the temporal-difference loss, and perform a gradient descent step to make an update. Two tricks that improves the training stability for large neural networks are experience replay and fixed target Q-targets. The DQN agent is able to reach a level comparable to or even surpass human players in decision-making problems in high-dimensional spaces (such as Atari games).

Quick Facts

  1. DQN is a model-free and value-based RL algorithm.

  2. DQN only support discrete action spaces.

  3. DQN is an off-policy algorithm.

  4. Usually, DQN uses eps-greedy or multinomial sampling for exploration.

  5. DQN + RNN = DRQN.

  6. The DI-engine implementation of DQN supports multi-discrete action space.

Key Equations or Key Graphs

The TD-loss used in DQN is:

\[\mathrm{L}(w)=\mathbb{E}\left[(\underbrace{r+\gamma \max _{a^{\prime}} Q_{\text {target }}\left(s^{\prime}, a^{\prime}, \theta^{-}\right)}-Q(s, a, \theta))^{2}\right]\]

where the target network \(Q_{\text {target }}\), with parameters \(\theta^{-}\), is the same as the online network except that its parameters are copied every target_update_freq steps from the online network (The hyper-parameter target_update_freq can be modified in the configuration file. Please refer to TargetNetworkWrapper for more details).




Compared with the version published in Nature, DQN has been dramatically modified. In the algorithm parts, n-step TD-loss, PER and dueling head are widely used, interested users can refer to the paper Rainbow: Combining Improvements in Deep Reinforcement Learning .


DQN can be combined with:

  • PER (Prioritized Experience Replay)

    PER replaces the uniform sampling in a replay buffer with so-called priority defined by various metrics, such as absolute TD error, the novelty of observation and so on. By this priority sampling, the convergence speed and performance of DQN can be improved significantly.

    There are two ways to implement PER. One of them is described below:


    In DI-engine, PER can be enabled by modifying two fields priority and priority_IS_weight in the configuration file, and the concrete code can refer to PER code . For a specific example, users can refer to PER example

  • Multi-step TD-loss

    In single-step TD-loss, the update of Q-learning (Bellman equation) is described as follows:

    \[r(s,a)+\gamma \max_{a^{'}}Q(s',a')\]

    While in multi-step TD-loss, it is replaced by the following formula:

    \[\sum_{t=0}^{n-1}\gamma^t r(s_t,a_t) + \gamma^n \max_{a^{'}}Q(s_n,a')\]


    An issue about n-step for Q-learning is that, when epsilon greedy is adopted, the q value estimation is biased because the \(r(s_t,a_t)\) at t>=1 are sampled under epsilon greedy rather than the policy itself. However, multi-step along with epsilon greedy generally improves DQN practically.

    In DI-engine, Multi-step TD-loss can be enabled by the nstep field in the configuration file, and the loss function is described in q_nstep_td_error in nstep code.

  • Double DQN

    Double DQN, proposed in Deep Reinforcement Learning with Double Q-learning, is a common variant of DQN. The max operator in standard Q-learning and DQN when computing the target network uses the same Q values both to select and to evaluate an action. This makes it more likely to select overestimated values, resulting in overoptimistic value estimates. To prevent this, we can decouple the selection from the evaluation. More concretely, the difference is shown the the following two formula:

    The targets in Q-learning labelled by (1) and Double DQN labelled by (2) are illustrated as follows:


    Namely, the target network in Double DQN doesn’t select the maximum action according to the target network but first finds the action whose q_value is highest in the online network, then gets the q_value from the target network computed by the selected action. This variant can surpass the overestimation problem of target q_value, and reduce upward bias.

    In summary, Double Q-learning can suppress the over-estimation of Q value to reduce related negative impact.

    In DI-engine, Double DQN is implemented by default without an option to switch off.


    The overestimation can be caused by the error of function approximation(neural network for q table), environment noise, numerical instability and other reasons.

  • Dueling head

    In Dueling Network Architectures for Deep Reinforcement Learning, dueling head architecture is utilized to implement the decomposition of state-value and advantage for taking each action, and use these two parts to construct the final q_value, which is better for evaluating the value of some states that show fewer connections with action selection.

    The specific architecture is shown in the following graph:


    In DI-engine, users can enable Dueling head by modifying the dueling field in the model part of the configuration file. The detailed code class DuelingHead is located in Dueling Head.

  • RNN (DRQN, R2D2)

    For the combination of DQN and RNN, please refer to R2D2 in this series doc.


The default config of DQNPolicy is defined as follows:

The network interface DQN used is defined as follows:


Benchmark and comparison of dqn algorithm


best mean reward

evaluation results

config link






Tianshou(20) Sb3(20)




Tianshou(7307) Rllib(7968) Sb3(9496)




Tianshou(812) Rllib(1001) Sb3(622)


  1. The above results are obtained by running the same configuration on five different random seeds (0, 1, 2, 3, 4)

  2. For the discrete action space algorithm like DQN, the Atari environment set is generally used for testing (including sub-environments Pong), and Atari environment is generally evaluated by the highest mean reward training 10M env_step. For more details about Atari, please refer to Atari Env Tutorial .


  • Mnih, Volodymyr, et al. “Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning.” nature 518.7540 (2015): 529-533.

  • Wang, Z., Schaul, T., Hessel, M., Hasselt, H., Lanctot, M., & Freitas, N. (2016, June). Dueling network architectures for deep reinforcement learning. In International conference on machine learning (pp. 1995-2003). PMLR.

  • Van Hasselt, H., Guez, A., & Silver, D. (2016, March). Deep reinforcement learning with double q-learning. In Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence (Vol. 30, No. 1).

  • Schaul, T., Quan, J., Antonoglou, I., & Silver, D. (2015). Prioritized experience replay. arXiv preprint arXiv:1511.05952.

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