
Random Seed

In reinforcement learning, different random numbers as seeds will affect the results of the algorithm. In order to reproduce or fairly compare experimental results of other algorithms, we need to use the same random seeds.

First, in each entry function, we have a global random “seed” parameter. For example, in ding/entry/ ,

def serial_pipeline(..., seed: int = 0, ...):

In ding/utils/ , we define a set_pkg_seed function that is called at the beginning of the entry function (as shown below) to set “seed” of all associated packages used.

def set_pkg_seed(seed: int, use_cuda: bool = True) -> None:
    if use_cuda and torch.cuda.is_available():

For a collector or evaluator, if only one seed is given, DI-engine will generate a list of random seeds for the set of environments in order to give each subenvironment different randomness.

def seed(self, seed: Union[List[int], int], dynamic_seed: bool = None) -> None:
        Set the seed for each environment.
        - seed (:obj:`Union[List[int], int]`): List of seeds for each environment, \
            or one seed for the first environment and other seeds are generated automatically.
    if isinstance(seed, numbers.Integral):
        seed = [seed + i for i in range(self.env_num)]
    elif isinstance(seed, list):
        assert len(seed) == self._env_num, "len(seed) {:d} != env_num {:d}".format(len(seed), self._env_num)
        seed = seed
    self._env_seed = seed
    self._env_dynamic_seed = dynamic_seed

To make the environment more diverse, DI-engine also allows dynamic_seed to be enabled when many episodes are run per environment.

The selection of random seeds is critical to the environment. For example, in the environmental LunarLander, the randomness of the environment is jointly determined by the randomness of the initial landing moment and the randomness in the landing process. For the initial moment, the lander starts from the top center of the screen, and a random initial force is applied to its center of mass to ensure that the horizontal velocity, vertical velocity, angle and angular velocity are different in the initial state under different seeds. At the same time, the distribution of lunar terrain will be determined according to the random number sampled. For the landing process, there is a Stochastic dispersion Force (Stochastic dispersion) in the lander’s dynamics equation to ensure that environmental transfer functions vary among different seeds.

As the link ding/envs/env/ shows, first, DI-engine sets the environment seed when resetting the environment, And if dynamic_seed is True, DI-engine adds a random integer to the original seed to make each episode different. And reproducibility can be guaranteed by seeding this random generator. The random generator is usually numpy.random.

By default, we enable dynamic_seed for data collection and disable it for estimation. This has the advantage of allowing us to collect more diverse training data, improving the final performance, but may reduce the convergence rate. Turning off dynamic_seed during evaluation ensures that each evaluation strategy is evaluated on the same set of random seeds, increasing the comparability of model evaluation results over different training steps.

def reset(self) -> None:
    if hasattr(self, '_seed') and hasattr(self, '_dynamic_seed') and self._dynamic_seed:
        np_seed = 100 * np.random.randint(1, 1000)
        self._env.seed(self._seed + np_seed)
    elif hasattr(self, '_seed'):


When multiple processes are used, the child’s random seed does not inherit the parent’s random seed, but instead remains the system’s default seed. As shown here , we solved this problem by resetting the relevant seeds in each environment.

def seed(self, seed: int, dynamic_seed: bool = True) -> None:
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